Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Low carb days

Before getting started with carb cycling, it's important to understand a few rules about what to eat and when you should eat it. I am not an expert at this, but I'm trying to figure it out! First, you should eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up and breakfast should always include a smart carb. This helps get your metabolism going for the day. Next, never eat carbohydrates and fat together. Then eat 5 meals a day spaced out about every 3 hours.

So what do you eat on low carb days? Breakfast is always a protein and a carbohydrate (no fat!). The snacks and meals for the rest of your day should be a protein, veggies and fat chosen from the smart food guide. This can be found here. You have to sign up, but it is free and this information is vital for success! Your calories for low carb days should be around 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men. Also remember how important water is and aim for half your body weight is ounces of water per day.

Here are some of the things I frequently eat on low carb days with link to a few recipes. For breakfast I like refrigerator oats or a high fiber English muffin with turkey sausage and egg beaters. Lunch is usually left overs from the night before or a salad with low-fat cheese, and low-fat dressing. Dinner is a lean meat with veggies and a serving of fat. This enchilada chicken with Mexican cauli-rice is one of my favorite meals and perfect for a low carb dinner. For snacks I eat guacamole with celery and a protein shake or low-fat cottage or fat-free Greek yogurt with splenda and almonds. I don't always get vegetables with every snack, but you should try.

What I ate today: (note: today was a HIGH carb day for me)
B: Orowheat double fiber English muffin, turkey sausage, egg beaters
S: banana,protein shake
L: whole wheat pasta, ground beef, homemade marinara sauce and veggies from last night
S: 100 calorie popcorn and deli turkey (not pictured)
D: grilled pork tenderloin, green beans, half a sweet potato with fake butter spray

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